Gain insight into the team's intelligence and decision-making profile
Enneagram Business is the only test on the market that combines an organisation's five intelligences with the 9 types.
The fact that five intelligences are essential for a company's progress can be used to find the combination and composition of employees and managers needed for the company to perform at its best.
If one of the five intelligences is not represented in a company's employees or managers; significant challenges can often arise for collaboration, for example, if there is a lack of Emotional Intelligence at the top of an organisation and/or a lack of Business and Political Intelligence among the employees.
Emotional Intelligence, EI
Types with special talent:
2 - 4 - 9
This is about thinking emotionally, with the heart, the feelings, and the body. Associative thinking underlies most of our emotional intelligence – the connection between one emotion and another, between emotions and bodily sensations, and between emotions and surroundings. ​ Emotionally intelligent individuals use a resonantly constructive external and internal collaborative style, create norms and values, and develop healthy, effective working relationships rather than using a cynical style that breeds fear. They can feel and recognise their own emotions and develop good social relationships. They are often identified as the good employee and manager. Colleagues, friends, and acquaintances will feel understood by people with high emotional intelligence. They are empathetic, socially gifted individuals who find it easy to fulfill the wants and needs of others without selling out their composure and dignity. They rest in themselves and do not let others cross their personal boundaries. At the same time, they can accommodate other people and enter into a personal, relevant relationship with them. ​ People with well-developed emotional intelligence are aware, have self-esteem, seek self-realisation and can both receive and give recognition. In addition, they have self-control, can empathise with other people's problems, and, last but not least, are self-motivating. These are people with emotional self-awareness, personal maturity, accurate self-assessment, and independence. ​ People who can read emotions and recognise their impact use intuition to guide their decisions. People with highly developed emotional self-awareness are in touch with inner signals and recognise how their emotions affect others and their work performance. They are in touch with their fundamental life values, which they use as an intuitive sense for the best course of action. People with emotional self-awareness can be honest and sincere. They are able to talk openly about their feelings and with conviction about their dreams for the future. People with empathy can pick up on a wide range of emotional cues, enabling them to sense the experienced but unspoken emotions of a person or group. ​ They manage to create emotional relationships and build resonance between people. They are constantly changing together with others and allow themselves to be inspired so that they become the change that they want, see and act on. They find new opportunities in current challenges they present themselves with and take responsibility for looking after themselves. ​ In contrast to socially intelligent people, emotionally intelligent people are very concerned with what they feel here and now and use this as a benchmark for how they should act in their situation. Some emotionally intelligent people lack the filter most people have, meaning strong emotions and experiences are filtered and easier to deal with. ​ In some situations, they have the experience of being flooded with impressions that they have to deal with and navigate around without any protective layer to help sort through them. The challenge for the emotionally intelligent is to separate reason and emotion. They can get so caught up in emotions that they fail to look analytically at a situation. Therefore, they will often be inclined to make decisions based on their feelings rather than on what would be most sensible. ​ Some people with extra-sensitive antennae can use them positively to intuitively work toward a goal that later turns out to be genius. However, in a negative context, the sensitive antennae can be used to influence other people in a sour and boring direction.
Social Intelligence, SI
Types with special talent:
2 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 - 9
There is transparency in the economic logic. However, in a social sense, a more complicated game must be understood; one must be able to think emotionally and cognitively in social contexts. Social life includes pursuing a career, being a good colleague, optimising what the company sells, and having a lovely family, which can be a challenge and sometimes a huge mouthful. It is challenging and dangerous for the individual to accommodate all these areas. Sometimes you can become too preoccupied with social relationships that you work against the goal of the work or the company. Social intelligence can be divided into social awareness, empathy and agreement, and social talent, which involves simultaneity, self-presentation, influence, and participation. ​ Possessing social intelligence means that the person has situational awareness and is a present being with authenticity, clarity, and inclusiveness. Socially intelligent people orient themselves towards the community and see it as a game to have many people around them. They can share knowledge, which is one of their strengths if they are also knowledgeable. They can tap into and take advantage of other people's skills because they are ego-strong in a pleasant way, and they can acquire skills they can use. They are aware of having a good social network, which can be used as an additional resource. They make conscious choices to maintain harmony, unlike people who are understimulated, bored, or overstimulated, who burn out from stress. Social intelligence has three dimensions, all of which are present in socially intelligent people: Empathy; the ability to spontaneously feel how another person is feeling The ability to tune in to others and get on the same wavelength with them The ability to handle caring and genuine interest ​ People with high social intelligence create an emotional climate that causes people in direct contact with them to keep the relationship on the right course. This kind of person takes responsibility for the group's satisfaction, so they are sure that the environment gets what they need. They also make themselves available if necessary and recognise and meet needs. Their social ability enables them to get along well with people from different backgrounds or cultures. These individuals feel for others' feelings, listen attentively, understand others' points of view, and have a genuine interest in their concerns. ​ However, socially intelligent people can have the challenge that in their preoccupation with others, the community, and the group, they forget themselves and what they feel.
Business Intelligence, FI
Types with special talent:
1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
This is about thinking cognitively, strategically, rationally, analytically, listening to, planning, and anticipating societal and company needs. This is linear, logical, courageous, economical, and dispassionate thinking, where the starting point is a fixed programme whose rules are in accordance with formal logic. This way of thinking is used when planning how the organisation will develop the company's goals and strategies and make it flourish. ​ As long as you stick to the purely business, emotional signals are not sent that interfere with actions, which is appropriate for overall financial negotiations, long-term strategic planning, and reorganisations that must lead to goals and action. When thinking with business intelligence, the focus is on delivering the right decisions to the right people at the correct times and said in a way that can motivate the organisation to adapt to the findings and implement them to bring about appropriate changes. ​ Business intelligence is about improving the basis of business decision-making basis, operational processes, and competitive advantages the company achieves through relevant and fact-based knowledge. An essential part of business insight is the human ability to use the professional bank of knowledge at play with individuals and in the professional contexts that employees and managers are part of.
intelligence, SI
Types with special talent:
1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
This is about thinking cognitively and being aware of the power bases and powerplays that exist in society, with competitors, and in organisations, as well as having the courage to investigate and exploit them. To understand sources of power, recognise and understand different rules of the game, influence options, and change processes, as well as develop an influence strategy. People who are good at utilising their political intelligence know how to use it to position themselves at the management level and position the company strategically. They know and can use resources optimally. They see the game that can take place between people and the challenge of power. This is how you must think when you have to understand competitors and their way of acting so that you can do even better than them and promote your views or products. Strategically skilled managers use this intelligence when they can/will influence and manipulate other people to fall in love with their products or views by understanding the competitive society and subsequently achieving the best position concerning competitors. The politically intelligent person is able to adjust quickly to obtain the benefits that help move the organisation forward. ​ Political intelligence is also about people who have made professional political work their livelihood or who are deeply involved in political work. Many who work within the political system know it is sometimes a bloody game involving intrigue, jealousy, envy, and lies. These areas are the reverse side of political intelligence.
Global/Spiritual Intelligence, GI
Types with special talent:
4 - 5 - 7
This is about thinking in a combination of cognitive processes, creative abilities, and global balances. People with GI can manage concepts such as values, visions, gratitude, and hope with a sense of meaning, impulses, intuition, honesty, development, responsibility, commitment, respect, creativity, and innovation with courage for change and growth. ​ Most people feel more motivated when they see themselves as part of an intelligent system that has their progress as its goal. ​ Globally spiritual people have good karma, and they possess generosity. They have an internal engine that constantly ensures that they are results-seeking and disciplined, but they also dare to be undisciplined and think differently. They can synchronise with a higher vision and cooperate in the global space. They are not boring to be with as they have energy, are gentle and genuinely interested in other people, have a sense of humour, like to play, and are genuinely present in themselves. They communicate from heart to heart, bypassing all conventions and habitual thinking. For them, it is about being able to formulate relevant questions and being investigative more than having answers ready at hand. They are able to make people feel that they can live with and deal with uncertainty and inconsistency, to be curious, to ask significant chaotic questions with humour, and to be a catalyst for high-level discussions. People with global-spiritual intelligence will often do well as top managers. They understand the difference between leadership and management and manage to get employees on board with the company's vision. They devise a vision and create values. They create an inspiring organisational mission, deeply woven into the organisational fabric, and they know how to make people feel that their work is meaningful. ​ It is an appropriate way to think when we want others to "fall in love" with our plans, create employee involvement and promote the company's ideas and products so that customers are so happy that they want to own them. It is mainly about what you can do and dream about, what you start with. This boldness holds genius, power, and magic because it means you can effortlessly navigate all the challenges of business without being stopped by anxiety or feeling constrained by convention. People with global-spiritual intelligence have a high degree of intuition. They create inner and outer harmony and energy and make their fellow beings flourish. They are not marked by shame-related guilt and can transform negative emotions into positive actions. This is about respect and self-respect, a more profound altruistic way of perceiving oneself and one's surroundings. ​ Globally spiritually minded people have beautiful minds, deep thoughts, positive emotions, a warm, present, caring heart, maturity, and deep self-awareness. They are magical. ​ Global-spiritual intelligence is also about creating peace and mutual understanding in society; to realise that diversity is necessary because it represents the nuances of people, and the more these are expressed, the more beautiful this world becomes. When global understanding is at play in organisations, it becomes about compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, community, gratitude, and feeling connected to others to achieve something more significant. ​ These thinking people possess the ability to keep destructive emotions and impulses under control. They can control their disturbing emotions and impulses and even figure out how to channel them into something useful. A characteristic of globally-spiritually thinking people is that they can remain calm and clear-headed even under severe stress or in crises. A complex challenge does not sway them. ​ They are transparent and live by their values. They demonstrate honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. They are genuinely open to others regarding their feelings, beliefs, actions, and integrity. Such individuals openly admit mistakes and fight against unethical behaviour in others, rather than simply ignoring it. ​ They are adaptable, can meet different needs without losing focus or energy, and are comfortable with the inevitable ambiguities of life in an organisation. They are good at overcoming obstacles. ​ This type of person can adapt to new challenges and changes. They are good at adapting to continuous changes and are flexible in their thinking when confronted with new data or realities. They feel active and have what it takes to control their destiny and markedly great initiative and enthusiasm. They are prepared to act and seize or create opportunities rather than wait for them. Moreover, such individuals do not hesitate to cut through bureaucracy if necessary to make better future opportunities. ​ They have the ability to see the positive in events and be future-oriented. They can always get back on their feet and consider a setback an opportunity rather than a threat. They see others in a positive light and expect the best from them. They see the "glass half full" instead of the "glass half empty", which leads them to believe that all future changes can be for the better. They view the past as something that cannot be changed but is learned from. As a result, globally-spiritually intelligent people will take personal responsibility, opt out of control, and not get into the nitty-gritty of the things they deal with. They know how to create a corporate culture where they bring together people with fighting spirit and resources about quality of life and health, especially about the shared responsibility for the company, in harmony with its surroundings. ​ In times of downturn, the dynamic and versatile, intelligent organisation will maintain and further develop its position, be ready for change, and change in step with time and development. Here it is about ethically making money to keep the machinery running. ​ Globally thinking, people constantly see new openings in the market and organisations. They quickly sense what is needed to act so that the organisation changes to what is to come. They are good at adapting. They have a constant eye for minor improvements. They are energetic and persistent and trust their intuition. In Danish, we can call it good business acumen. You act on the combination of instincts, giftedness, strategic overview, and understanding of the global mechanisms at an advanced level.