Gain deep insight into people, teams and the company
Enneagram Business is the only test on the market that combines an organisation's five intelligences with the 9 types.

1. The Perfectionist, The Reformer & The Organiser
“I always come well prepared for all meetings, I come on time or preferably a little before, and all my notes are in order!”
They seek the perfect and are a principled idealists, who at their peak are easy to get excited about, but becomes violently critical in stressful situations.​
Style of communication: Perfectionists often speak slowly in short sentences and ‘you-language’. They are easy to understand as their language is logical and correct. They prefer to get precise information and want all the details right. They attach importance to control, clear procedures, and order. Stress pattern: Perfectionists respond with anger if they lose control of the situation. Furthermore, they make sequential decisions and become distressed if they are forced to break the routine. Workwise: Perfectionists prefer a distinct division of responsibility and work. They meet the deadline and are highly quality-conscious. They continue to work until the job is done and would often rather work than socialise. Team role: Perfectionists help ensure that the group does not make mistakes. They focus on the past and participate in controlling the inclusion of experiences from the past. They do not like changes, as they can lead to unforeseen work processes and relations. Choice of career: Perfectionists aim for safety and stability in order to be entirely in control of the future. They search for companies with minimal risk of employee terminations, and they like to keep conditions in order. Intellect: Business Intelligence, BI and Political Intelligence, PI. At their highest level, Perfectionists are exceedingly clever and wise. By accepting the world as it is, they become open and realistic. They are inspiring and hopeful and express a truth that is heard. At their lowest level, Perfectionists are afraid of making mistakes. Everything must correspond with their ideals. They are well organised but impersonal and puritanical. They contain their emotions and impulses. They tend to be workaholics, compulsive, punctual, pedantic, and picky.
What is the right thing to do here?

2. The Relationship-Creator, The Giver & The Coordinator
"I ensure that there is harmony and that everyone is listened to at meetings, I create a good atmosphere and am interested in other people & opinions!”
They seek freedom and recognition. They are unconsciously aware of others and motivated by meeting the needs of others.
Style of communication: Relationship-Creators speak in ‘you/we language’. They make a great effort to respect the views of others. They want to be part of a totality. Relationship-Creators make their decisions based on their feelings, and when you communicate with them, it is important to use words that contains feelings and speak in ‘we-language’. Stress pattern: Relationship-Creators tend to forget themselves and their own needs in stressful situations. They benefit from moderate stress, as it can contribute to them standing up for themselves. Workwise: Relationship-Creators prefer indirect influence. They frequently know all about what is going on in the company, and they are valuable when making constructive suggestions. They are devoted to duty and seek appreciation. They enjoy belonging to a group as they are colourful, relaxed, and attentive. Team role: Relationship-Creators are coordinative. They contribute to establishing a unifying climate within a team, and they are concerned that everyone should be heard. They are present-oriented and do not appreciate change. Choice of career: Relationship-Creators want stability and feel most secure when processes of change do not overlap. They primarily meet at work to be with others. Intellect: Emotional Intelligence, EI and Social Intelligence, SI. At the highest level, Relationship-Creators are deeply selfless and humble. They give unconditional love to themselves as well as others. They find it a privilege to be in the lives of others. At their lowest level the Relationship-Creators are excessively intimate and intrusive. They need to be needed, in order to interfere and control in the name of love. They want others to depend on them. They are givers but most likely expect repayment.
How can I help here?

3. The Achiever, The Goal-Setter & The Motivator
I make sure that there is an 'eye on the ball' and focus on what we have to achieve. I am interested in other people's opinions - but primarily those that promote the goal!
They are driven by dynamic energy and aim at success. They are quick-witted and ambitious. They are good at making decisions and form a friendly, optimistic atmosphere around them. They are very proactive, multitask, and can sometimes seem restless.
Style of communication: Achievers communicate in a clear ‘I-language’. They always get involved and prefer something to happen around them. They are goal-oriented and can overcome more than most other people. When engaging with Achievers, it is an advantage to be able to distinguish between what is substantial and what is non-substantial at the time, as well as to be quick, prompt, and direct. Stress pattern: Achievers easily become unbalanced in stressful situations. In that case, they become indecisive and unclear in their communication. Workwise: Achievers are excellent decision-makers, efficient, and quickly get to grips with new knowledge. They are organised and tend to avoid unnecessary, slow procedures. Team role: Achievers are future-oriented and assist in creating pace. Since they are goal-oriented, they help to ensure that work gets done. They are well suited to positions where quick decisions must be made, and results created. Choice of career: Achievers are initiators and are driven by starting new processes or developing new products. They want the feeling of work being completed because of their efforts. They are often self-employed or find companies where there are constant challenges, since they want development and change, while security and stability come second. Intellect: Social Intelligence, SI and Business Intelligence, BI and Political Intelligence, PI. At the highest level, Achievers are self-referential and authentic and accept themselves completely. They are modest and charitable. They are filled with loving humour and a heart full of the desire for simplicity. Lastly, they are gentle and benevolent. At the lowest level, Achievers are aware of their image and apply focus on how they are perceived. They adapt to the expectations of others and what they need to do in order to be successful. Moreover, they are pragmatic, efficient and deliberate and often lose touch of their feelings, covered by a smooth facade. They also experience problems with intimacy.
What is to be done here?

4. The Individualist, The Empathiser & The Aesthetic
" I ensure innovation and creativity for meetings and focus on original ideas and thoughts that can turn the world upside down"
Individualists seek the original and can be quite dramatic. They are excellent at finding ingenious solutions. They are very controlled by their emotions and can experience both huge ups and downs.
Style of communication: Individualists convey in ‘you, we, and I language’. They have great respect for other people and their opinions. Linguistically, they rarely communicate in the present, as they tend to speak in the future or the past. That is the reason why they can sometimes seem absent. Stress pattern: Stress makes Individualists more sensitive. For that reson, they get indecisive and start to act in ways that are bad for themselves. Workwise: Individualists are great at finding alternative solutions and enjoy looking at tasks from several angles. They are imaginative, emotional, and different. Team role: Individualists are unique and like it that way. They raise conflicts in the team if they believe that ethical rules have been violated or are in danger. Individualists have great respect for others in a team, which makes them valuable, but they are also vulnerable and can take too much into consideration for others in the team, which can go beyond their sense of self. They can bring originality and creativity to any project, especially if you show them recognition and respect. Choice of career: Individualists want to make a difference in terms of value, and they want their work to be meaningful. It is not the salary, but tsubstance of the job that counts. They are attracted by the unconventional. Intellect: Emotional Intelligence, EI and Social Intelligence, SI and Global/Spiritual Intelligence, GI. At the highest level, Individualists are deeply creative when expressing both the personal and the universal through either art or entertainment. They are able to transform their experiences into something valuable. They are independent, creative, and unique. At their lowest level, Individualists take everything personally. They are introverted, hypersensitive, timid, and shy. They are incapable of being spontaneous or of "coming out of themselves." Furthermore, they withdraw to protect their strong personal image, as well as to buy time to get a handle on their emotions.
What is missing here?

5. The Observer, The Specialist & The Thinker
"I contribute with an analytical and professional focus to the meetings. I think holistically but become quiet if the social takes up too much!"
They seem reserved; however, this is not due to antipathy, but because they are thoughtful. They are analytical and make their decisions in their heads, while maintaining a neutral appearance in collaboration.
What do we know here?

6. The Realist, The Sceptic & The Loyalist
"I ask questions at the meetings to ensure we are prepared for all potential challenges. However, I am sceptical of quick solutions!"
Realists commit and can be trusted. They are investigative, sceptical and experts in seeing things from several sides. They constantly ask counter-questions, and they do not like long answers. They take all mistakes into account and question them until they are completely convinced that a decision has been made on the right basis.
Style of communication: Realists speak in ‘I and you language’. They like giving and receiving resistance. They involve all possible problems in the process and examine for errors and deficiencies. It can be difficult to excite them. They speak in a language characterised by both present and past. Stress pattern: Realists thrive on being pressured: they become faster in their decision-making processes, and the execution of tasks speeds up. In pressured situations, the fear of failure and plans that are too tight can make them very stressed. Workwise: Realists are neutral, sceptical, and loyal. They are often smiling, even when they are reserved. They are reliable, thorough, and take unpredictable problems into account. Team role: In collaboration with others, Realists help to ensure that problems are thoroughly analysed. They are neutral in relations with their colleagues. Choice of career: Self-management, independence, and analysis are in focus. Realists would prefer to carry out tasks at their own pace and according to their own methods. Intelligence: Social Intelligence, SI and Business Intelligence, BI and Political Intelligence, PI. At their highest level, Realists are confident, independent, and exude courage. They have positive thoughts and good leadership skills. The need for close relationships emerges, combined with an equal ability to work together. At their lowest level, Realists are evasive, indecisive, cautious and ambivalent. Inner confusion causes them to react unpredictably, with "mixed signals".
What can go wrong here?

7. The Innovator, The Enthusiast & The Adventurer
"I ensure a positive atmosphere at the meetings, I have many ideas and motivate others to take new paths!"
Innovators are energetic, courageous people who enjoy life easily. They are abstract thinkers with an overview. They aim at alternatives and solutions. They are very bright and often interrupt: it is not due to rudeness, but because they have seen things through before everyone else. They can analyse complicated tasks and come up with unconventional proposals.
Style of communication: Innovators speak in ‘I, we, and you language’, and they speak quickly in the present and future. Do not get insecure because they interrupt; they can easily see everything and manage to have a lot on their plate at the same time. Stress pattern: In stressful situations, innovators become structured, catch all the balls in the air and have them concretized and executed. Workwise: Innovators are very independent, curious, colourful, and relaxed. They like to be leaders and often are. They make analytical decisions that they want to control and decide on. Team role: Innovators are best at creating projects. They are fond of delegating tasks and coordinating and they easily give up responsibility. They are not controlling, which may signify that they do not always make sure that every detail is done, but they are good at creating results in a team. Choice of career: Innovators love to coordinate the efforts of others, be responsible for the result, and lead at all levels. They use their analytical sense and understanding of the interaction between people. They are stimulated by tackling problems where they can use their undisciplined thinking and come up with alternative solutions. Intellect: Social Intelligence, SI and Business Intelligence, BI and Political Intelligence, PI and Global/Spiritual Intelligence, GI. At the highest level, Innovators are deeply grateful for life and the opportunities they have. They can immerse themselves in presence, spirituality, and simplicity. Their calm adds a genuine touch to how magnificent life can be. At the lowest level, Innovators are unrestrained boastful exaggerators, covering up their fear of appearing boring. They are in perpetual motion but tend to have too many ideas and lack follow-through on their actions. It is difficult for them to identify what they need, so they try to get everything.
What is possible to do here?

8. The Challenger, The Pioneer & The Protector
"I contribute energy and attitudes to the meetings, I make demands and have high expectations that others will and do the same!"
The Challenger is usually energetic, charismatic, and rebellious. They like to be in control and can get very angry if they do not get their way. They want clear lines and logical explanations. They can seem provocative, not because they want to be, but because they want the right decisions to be made. Challengers like to be surrounded by strong people and can seem domineering if they perceive weakness or injustice.
Style of communication: Challengers speak quickly and with authority in strong, clear ‘I-language’. They like to manage, make decisions and give good advice to others. They can become explosively angry and cause conflict. Stress pattern: When stressed, Challengers become analytical and concise. Workwise: Challengers want clear lines, are strong, and expect others to be the same. Challengers set up rules but like to break them themselves if the rules get in the way of justice. They like to lead and do so with great authority. They are very direct, controlling, and motivating. Team role: Challengers like to be in the centre and sometimes find it difficult to sense other people's feelings, as they are self-absorbed. They want to be the one who decides, but at the same time, they are protective of those they trust. Choice of career: Looking for a pure challenge and the opportunity to achieve the impossible. A real problem solver or else driven by competition. Looking for variety and ever-greater challenges. The Challenger gets bored when the problems are solved. Intellect: Social Intelligence, SI and Business Intelligence, BI and Political Intelligence, PI. At their highest level, Challengers are magnanimous, selfless, and authoritative. They can be heroic and show greatness in a very broad sense. Their deep insight and big visions can leave a lasting impression on the environment. At their lowest level, Challengers are egocentric, domineering, and insistent, and try to impose their will and ideas. They only treat others with respect if they agree with them. They act like a boss and want to feel that others are behind them.
What do you/we stand for here?

9. The Mediator, The Peace-Lover & The Comfort-Maker
"I make sure that we have a good time at the meetings and that there is balance in the group, I am curious about other people's opinions and am also influenced by them!"
Mediators are extremely comfortable and often very well-liked. They are more concerned with other people's well-being than with their own. They love a good atmosphere, harmony, and peace. They are welcoming, non-competitive, and talkative.
Style of communication: They prefer to speak in ‘you-and-we language’, rather slowly, with long explanations because they see things from several sides. They seek compromise and opportunities. They do not like making decisions and always wait until the last minute. They ask a lot of people for advice and like to see things from different points of view. They hate deadlines and can have difficulty prioritising. Stress pattern: Mediators easily become indecisive in stressful situations because they want to see things from too many sides. Workwise: Mediators work with clear routines, and deadlines and do not throw themselves into risky projects. They are tolerant, relaxed, accommodating, and seek compromises, but can become stubborn if pushed. Team role: Mediators help to create a good atmosphere, and they like to enter situations with different kinds of people. They ensure that social diversity is maintained. Choice of career: Desires a balanced lifestyle, where career does not dominate over family life. Work, private life, and free time must come together in a higher unity. Intellect: Emotional Intelligence, EI and Social Intelligence, SI. At the highest level, mediators are independent and often act as catalysts for deep relationships with others, and between others. They have great serenity and are intensely present in life. At the same time, they are dynamic and make things flourish around them. At their lowest level, mediators are emotionally unscrupulous and reluctant to take responsibility. Their arguments are nebulous. In case of problems, they react with indifference and disappear whenever possible. They may be active but appear diffuse and passive in collaboration with others.
Is there harmony here?