Enneagram Business is a unique Profiling Tool for professionals working with HR, management and organisational development.
Udvalgte referencer
Få et præcist billede af din testpersons talenter, styrker og muligheder men også indsigt i deres udfordringer og begrænsninger.
Få indsigt i hvordan din kandidat motiveres, bidrager og performer som en del af et team og dets formål og sammenlign kandidaternes resultat.
Få et præcist billede af din testpersons talenter, styrker og muligheder men også indsigt i deres udfordringer og begrænsninger.
Få et præcist billede af din testpersons talenter, styrker og muligheder men også indsigt i deres udfordringer og begrænsninger.
Skab øget åbenhed, forståelse, tillid og engagement i den tidlige fase af teamets opbygning.
Udvikl højt udøvende teams, som gennem indsigt i ligheder og forskelle opnår optimal udnyttelse af deres synergipotentiale.
Tag dine kunder eller virksomhed til det næste niveau
Our Services
Få et præcist billede af din testpersons talenter, styrker og muligheder men også indsigt i deres udfordringer og begrænsninger.
Få indsigt i hvordan din kandidat motiveres, bidrager og performer som en del af et team og dets formål.
Få overblik over din testpersons særlige kompetencer og ressourcer samt indsigt i ledelsesmæssige udfordringer.
Field of Application
Take your customers or company to the next level
Get an accurate picture of your test subject's talents, strengths, opportunities, and insight into their challenges and limitations.
Gain an insight into how your candidate is motivated, contributes, and performs as part of a team and towards its purpose.
Leadership Development
Get an overview of your test person's unique skills, resources, and insight into managerial challenges.
Stress Prevention
Gain knowledge and insight into individual behavior patterns that each type typically adopts under pressure.
Team Building
Create increased openness, understanding, trust, and commitment in the early phase of team building.
Team Development
Develop high-performing teams that achieve optimal utilisation of their synergy potential through insight into similarities and differences.
About Enneagram Business
The most comprehensive test on the market
The test uncovers a test subject's unique profile and personal characteristics, focusing on thought/speech, motivation, behaviour, and reaction patterns in a work-related and organisational context.
The test system also makes it possible to carry out team and culture analyses, creating a unique foundation for the company's development.
Get access to your own test portal
Become a registered user
We have created an intuitive and user-friendly test portal. Relevant professional background and documented experience in the Enneagram from a recognised provider are required to gain access.
For those who do not want a subscription, we send the test to a candidate on your behalf.
$70 per test
✓ Optional type profile and test report
For those who work 1:1 with recruitment, coaching, stress coaching, therapy, etc.
$20 per test
✓ Access to your own test portal
✓ Mail administration in your own company name
✓ Complete control with your own test persons and companies
✓ Test: Individual profile
✓ Test: Danish & English
✓ Insights analysis module
✓ IT Support
✓ Annual subscription $700 ex. VAT
For those who work with team building, team development, stress prevention, and organisational development.
$14 per test
✓ Access to your own test portal
✓ Mail administration in your own company name
✓ Complete control with your own test persons and companies
✓ Test: Individual profile with team average
✓ Test: Pair profile
✓ Test: Team report
✓ Test: Danish & English
✓ AI Insights analysis module
✓ IT Support
✓ Enneagram Business Network
✓ Annual subscription $1400 ex. VAT
How to get started
Introductory price
Get one month of free access to the test portal, incl. three tests!
If you have yet to gain experience with the Enneagram, we can recommend introductory training with one of our partners.
Contact Us Today
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want to hear more.